will ferrell old school

will ferrell old school. Old School - Will Ferrell
  • Old School - Will Ferrell

  • Nuck81
    Dec 10, 11:57 AM

    will ferrell old school. Will Ferrell must be a hoot at
  • Will Ferrell must be a hoot at

  • HecubusPro
    Aug 27, 09:56 AM
    What makes you say Nintendo sucks so much?

    Because, just as there are Mac fanboys, there are also Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony fanboys. As much as we'd like to think our platform of choice is clearly the best, in all actually, each one has something unique to offer that the other may lack.

    Whether we like to believe it or, the same goes for PC vs. Mac, OSX vs. Windows, ATI vs. Nvidia, etc. I've had macs off and on since I was a kid. I've also had several other types of computers other than Windows machines (mostly Commodore systems--man I loved my Amiga 500 with it's upgrade to 1 whole MB of ram :cool:.)

    I was first in line to buy the original iMac. I bought it day one. I upgraded it's graphics card, which supposedly was not supposed to be upgradable, so I could play Unreal. Then I began to religiously follow the tragic saga of the Half-Life port to the Mac OS. The guy who was doing it (yes, a one man team), after months of receiving very little support from anyone, eventually threw his hands in the air and gave up. I was distraught, and, as a huge gamer (not fat, just a video game fan :p ), that's when I decided I needed to get a PC with Windows. It was a tough choice, but I knew I had to do it if I wanted to play the latest, greatest PC games. Apple has sorely lacked in porting games to their OS's.

    While I did eventually buy a used iBook about 4 or 5 years ago (which I recently sold to help fund my new MBP), I always promised, "I will buy a mac again when I can play any games that a PC can play." Well, now I'm putting my money where my mouth is. I'm jumping head first into the mac market once more, and I thank the Intel switch for allowing it to happen.

    While I know I probably won't be able to respectably play games like Crysis and Unreal Tournament 2007 on my MBP, I've become content with having console systems (Xbox 360, soon Wii, much later PS3 when price drops ;).) At this point in my life, I'm trying to simplify. I'm tired of having the huge tower system and massive monitor taking up so much room in my life, so I decide to go with the MBP. I want to be able to move from my desk to the living room, from the house to work, from state to state, etc. with ease and with all I need computer-wise.

    So I'm back and I'm happy to be here. Of course, how I managed to get off on a self-rant from someone responding to a perceived Nintendo insult I have no idea. Sorry about that. :D

    Did I say I can't wait to get my MBP? :o

    will ferrell old school. will ferrell old school.
  • will ferrell old school.

  • LanPhantom
    Mar 31, 02:41 PM
    How is it biting them in the ass? Android is the fastest growing OS with a larger share than IOS. I think it's been a very succesfull strategy.

    It's because of the Buy One Get One option. Nothing more. People choose that option because it makes financial sense and if they don't really care about the OS or the phone, they will choose the one that fits their check books. If Apple was to OK ATT and VZ to do a Buy One Get One on the iPhone, there would be no comparison. It would be game over for Android.


    will ferrell old school. Will Ferrell makes an
  • Will Ferrell makes an

  • Cheffy Dave
    Apr 6, 11:31 AM
    ULV CPUs (17W) will go to 11.6". The TDP of 320M is not known but 9400M has TDP of 12W so it is quite safe to assume that the TDP is similar to that. That means current 11.6" MBA has TDP of 22W (includes CPU, GPU, chipset) while SB 11.6" MBA would have a TDP of 21W (17W for the CPU and ~4W for the PCH).

    13" will go with LV CPUs (25W). Again, currently it has 17W for the CPU and 12W for 320M. That's 29W. 25W CPU and ~4W for PCH gives you the same 29W.

    11.6" - Core i5-2537M (option for Core i7-2657M)
    13.3" - Core i7-2629M (option for Core i7-2649M)

    Thanks HH for those stats!:cool:

    will ferrell old school. Titles: Old School Names: Will
  • Titles: Old School Names: Will

  • Bosunsfate
    Aug 5, 04:39 PM
    The final intel replacements for the power mac line are a certanity, but likely not really a big deal, regardless of the horsepower they may have. Though I'm sure Jobs will make much fanfare of the "having finished the Intel transistion." And he should. One year is trully a thing to be proud of.

    That said, the show is going to be about Leopord. All day and night. In pretty much every release of OSX there has been something totally new. The question I still have is what's new.

    Nothing in this rumor roundup is really new, sans windows virtualization.

    -Finder Improvements*needed, but window dressing, not "new"
    -iChat improvements*byproduct, not a headline

    will ferrell old school. Old School - Will Ferrell
  • Old School - Will Ferrell

  • Evangelion
    Aug 18, 05:50 AM
    Not likely to happen.

    Maybe, maybe not. Fact remains that the liquid-cooling in the G5 Quad is very complex beast. And more complex things get, the more likely they are to break.

    There are minimal to no reports of problems with the Quad G5 cooling system. I've run 3 of these for nearly 9 months with no problems.

    A whole 9 months? Those systems are supposed to last for years.

    will ferrell old school. Humor to Will Ferrell.
  • Humor to Will Ferrell.

  • freeny
    Aug 11, 02:06 PM
    If Apple pick a carrier, I hope is not Cingular. But from past situations, that's very likely.
    All carriers suck in one way or another. If you are unhappy with one you just switch to another. There is a constant migration from carrier to carrier because of this...

    The carriers dont give a crap if you leave them because there is always a group of unhappy consumers who hate the competitor and are ready to move to their service.

    This is why it takes forever to cancell a cellular account, they will try as hard as possible to not let you or talk you out of it. Its their only ammunition. My wife and I spent 2 hours on the phone with Sprint last week trying to cancel our extra phone we usually give our nanny. They were giving the most rediculous excuses as to why we shoud keep it when we no longer had any use for it. They wouldnt take no for an answer. It wasnt until we threatend to cancel all three of our accounts that they "graciously" cancelled the account.

    This is also why there are such high cancelation fees. apparently people are willing to pay hundreds of dollars to get away from any of the providers...

    Bottom line; it doesnt matter what provider it would be, youll be screwed anyway.

    will ferrell old school. will ferrell old school.
  • will ferrell old school.

  • wizard
    Apr 6, 07:46 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Does anyone know if the IGP in these processors is underclocked compared to the variants used in the MacBook Pros?

    That is a very good question!

    It is likely that the GPU might be a bit slower. That simply because the rest of the chip is clocked slower. Frankly the GPU in Sandy Bridge is the only good reason to throw a little hate Intels way. That being said for many users a SB update to the AIRs will be huge and would make the platform viable for a wider range of users.

    will ferrell old school. Old School - Will Ferrell
  • Old School - Will Ferrell

  • nep61
    Apr 5, 04:49 PM
    And I was sooooo close to buying AVID MC 5.5... thank goodness for an extended wait for my Tax refund... Now I'll sit tight to see if this RUMOR is actually true..... :apple:

    will ferrell old school. Old School - WILL FERRELL
  • Old School - WILL FERRELL

  • noire anqa
    Mar 26, 07:35 AM
    Thank you for your constructive reply but I have a feeling it will all fall on deaf ears given that most have never actually gone on Google and researched what has been added/changed/enhanced to Mac OS X Lion. For example SAMBA has been removed and completely replaced with a ground up clean room implementation of SMB2 which will translate into better support for Windows Vista and 7 clients as well as the latest versions of Windows. Why hasn't that been mentioned by the nay sayers here?

    OpenGL 3.2 has been added and funny enough not a single thing has been said about the fact that it lays the foundation for future updates that will be more prompt.

    Then there is Webkit2 based web browser whose knock on effects go well beyond Safari and into applications wishing to utilise web based technologies with framework that provides said functionality but handles all the mundane security/process isolation/etc behind the scenes.

    The merging of AV Foundation that serves as the foundation for future development for media products that will span iOS and Mac OS X; that you can have the same media core on iOS and Mac OS X then build upon it to differentiate between the desktop and tablet version by having a different interface, more features on the desktop version etc.

    Sandboxing is being enhanced further and more system components are being put into it as to reduce the security exposure when a bug is found.

    I'm sure others can note even more enhancements but it is frustrating when I hear the same nauseating ignorance over and over again from the cheap seats screaming there are no new features and yet they've done zero in the way of researching and reading on the matter.

    You can't hear me .. but i'm cheering for you.

    will ferrell old school. Will Ferrell
  • Will Ferrell

  • shamino
    Jul 22, 12:18 PM
    So I read in this thread that Kentsfield and Clovertown ARE compatible with Conroe and Woodcrest sockets (respectively) (Cloverton or Clovertown?)
    Well, people here have mentioned it. I haven't seen any sources for these claims, however.

    It's worth noting that the Pentium 4 shipped in several different socket packages over the years. The fact that the cores might be electrically compatible does not necessarily mean you're going to be able to perform a chip-swap upgrade on your Mac!
    Hope for upgrading an iMac to Quad Core is kindled! At least if Apple releases Conroe iMacs.
    And assuming they don't solder the chip to the motherboard, or hardwire the clock-multiplier chips, or hard-wire the voltage regulator settings, etc.

    There are a lot of things that can be done to a motherboard to make these kinds of upgrades painful or even impossible.

    With any kind of rumor like this, "I'll believe it when I see it" should be your mantra. Sure, these kinds of upgrades would be great, and it may even be possible to perform them on generic PC motherbaords, but this doesn't necessarily mean it will be easy or even possible on the systems Apple ends up shipping.
    BTW, In my opinion, one thing a person should never, ever say is some computer has too much power, and that it will never be needed.
    "Never" is always too strong a word. But there are plenty of good reasons to say "useless for today's applications" or "not worth the cost".

    When applications start demanding more, and when costs come down, then the equations change. As they always do.
    When we will be able to download our entire lives, and even conciousness into a computer, as is said to happen in about 40 years (very much looking forward to)...
    You're looking forward to this? Let's hope for your sake that Microsoft has nothing to do with the system software.

    I don't think it will be possible, even in 40 years, despite what sci-fi authors are predicting. And there's no way I'd ever have such a system installed even if it would be come possible. The possibility of dying or becoming comatose, or even worse, as a result of a software glitch is something I'm not going to allow. To quote McCoy from Star Trek: "Let's see how it scrambles your molecules first."
    So as a conclusion to my most recent rant, Please, never tell me a computer is too powerfu, has too many cores, or has too much storage capacity. If it is there to be used, it will be used. It always is.
    But do you want to be the first person to have to pay for it?

    will ferrell old school. will ferrell old school.
  • will ferrell old school.

  • Liske
    Aug 17, 07:00 PM
    Have you used cs2s or canon´s raw converters? How do they work?
    What is the general feeling of yours how the new machine works in photog business?

    I use CS2 for camera raw. Right now I am shooting with a fuji finepix S2 pro, but probably going to get the D200 soon. The Canon stuff is nice too, but I haven't tried the Canon raw converter. I love adobe camera raw - it just works for me. I have yet to try aperature but might try to get my hands on it. Camera Raw runs well on the Mac Pro, but like I said 10% faster on the Quad. It doesn't impact me much, and I get to boot windoze to cross test and develop items on a PC for web stuff :)

    So you have 4hdds in total,with 2 of each in raid 0 or what?
    Do you have the os on one pair and scratch on the other pair?

    Yes I run one striped two disk raid for OSX ONLY. This disk is also the scratch disk. The other striped two disk raid is for my user data and apps. You can find info on the web about how to do this, there are alot of advantages.

    This way I have seperate raid for user data & files, and a seperate raid for OSX / scratch. It seperates the OS and apps also so both have their own disks. Seperating the OS from my user data allows me to only back up the user data raid as the OS raid has base OSX on it only and if lost could just be reinstalled. I backup the main user data disk to the osx disk, as well as a slow NAT storage in a seperate building nightly. As far as RAID Once you go raid you get addicted, I could go nuts and get a 4 or 8 drive raid, which at some point I probably will do, but right now the 2 x 2 striped treat me very fine :). But the speed impovements in a raid, especially in a Mac Pro where it is so easy, is worth it. At this point the sweet spot in terms of dollars is probably going with a 300 or 400 x 4, the 500s are still pretty high, but if you need the space then so be it.

    will ferrell old school. Old School and Dude,
  • Old School and Dude,

  • Consultant
    Apr 7, 10:23 PM
    Oh no. BB is a good way to find an ipad 2 in some areas.

    will ferrell old school. will ferrell signed autograph
  • will ferrell signed autograph

  • the vj
    Apr 6, 02:53 PM
    I remember when I was a kid and I asked my father for a toy and he came with a different one... I was the saddest kid on earth.

    I believe that who ever asked for an iPad and got a Motorola would feel the same.

    (Dad, I love you)

    will ferrell old school. WILL FERRELL (Anchorman, Old
  • WILL FERRELL (Anchorman, Old

  • diamond.g
    Apr 11, 02:44 PM
    and i got an HTC INspire for $20 that is better than my old 3GS

    At some point and time there will be a free (American) iPhone. I seem to remember our colleagues in other countries mentioning that they get free iPhones if they pay for the more expensive service.

    will ferrell old school. Will Ferrell Old School Wedding Sep 11, 2008 · wedding scene in old school
  • Will Ferrell Old School Wedding Sep 11, 2008 · wedding scene in old school

  • DennisVR
    Apr 27, 08:08 AM
    I don't understand all the commotion. If Steve wants to know where i'm hanging around in the weekend, he can :rolleyes:

    will ferrell old school. Photo Gallery: Will Ferrell#39;s
  • Photo Gallery: Will Ferrell#39;s

  • jeff181995
    Mar 22, 06:17 PM
    i'd totally go for one of those 10.1 galaxy tabs but i'm afraid that it might never receive an update

    will ferrell old school. Will Ferrell#39;s wife in Old
  • Will Ferrell#39;s wife in Old

  • Taustin Powers
    Aug 18, 05:21 AM
    That blue PS3 looks pretty awesome!

    Too bad I already have a PS3....AND have no interest in GT5. :rolleyes:

    will ferrell old school. his Old School character
  • his Old School character

  • princealfie
    Nov 29, 01:22 AM
    You my friend, sound like a socialist...

    I'm a Poststructuralistmarxist so perhaps that will help you guys out :cool:

    Charlie Sheen
    Mar 26, 04:48 AM
    Can't wait. Hope it's awesome

    Apr 12, 05:46 AM
    it's a shame seeing all these negative attitudes concerning the iPhone 5. stating that only because of 3-5 month delay people switching to Android. Also others stating that the iPhone currently is antiquated and doesn't measure up to the competition.

    I know for myself that since purchasing my first and only Apple product in October 2009 a iPhone 3GS I am looking forward to converting to an 27" iMac from a 6 year old Dell Dimension E510 desktop as well as upgrading my iPhone 3GS no matter how long it may take for the iPhone 5 to come out due to my experience with my iPhone 3GS being nothing but stellar telling me that whatever how long the wait it will be worth it.

    I only wish that after purchasing the iPhone 5 and 27" iMac this year I can still afford an iPad2 and not have to wait till the iPad3 since currently I don't even own an iPad1.

    It sure is, but when people get used to regular product cycles they then have expectations.

    I gave up on Apple when they never released the iPhone 4 in White. Having waited so long and no answers I gave up entirely on buying an iPhone and got myself an HTC Desire. Surprisingly (to myself at least) I really like it. I didn't like the stock ROM so I flashed it with MIUI-Au which made it more iOS-like.

    Now I'll wait for the iPhone 5. If it doesn't come out immediately in white I'll get it in Black to avoid a repeat.

    Oh, and I see you like the bold button. I prefer italics but I'd rather fit in.

    Mar 1, 06:23 AM
    I have no right to condemn anyone to hell.

    If heaven were very crowded, it wouldn't be very heavenly, would it?

    Fair point. Then again, if one makes the assumption that Heaven is full of people with ideas like yours, I'd rather stay here or in Hell. Which is basically the same thing anyway. :p

    Mar 3, 10:05 PM
    Well Catholic people believe its a Sin to be gay, and in fear of parents saying anything about a gay man teaching their kids....Well being gay and teaching at a religious school and being gay just doesnt work...that sucks though for him
    Being gay is not a sin, homosexual actions are a sin.
    Bill, it's OK to react emotionally. We're people, not robots. :)

    Query: How do meat bags such as yourself live with such amounts of water sloshing around in you?

    Apr 6, 03:08 AM
    4GB? Do you realize how many DVDs FCS is? Unless Apple is going to severely cut up the package and de-studio it, no way is 4GB nearly enough space. Aperture is fine as a download b/c it's a relatively small program. FCS is a monster. It needs to be on media. I can't hog up my bandwidth to d/l a 16+GB suite.

    4GB is roughly the size of the apps in FCS, the other 40GB are loops, templates et.

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