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  • ltcol266845
    Aug 25, 07:41 PM
    Im sorry, but when you recall 1.8million batteries, and expect them not to get over laoded with call, your crazy. Dell is making some people wait nearly 70 days to get their replacement. Its a LOT of batteries. Affecting a LOT of users. These things happen.

    thank you letter for interview email. THANK YOU LETTER FOR INTERVIEW

  • mBox
    Apr 7, 08:08 AM
    ...Everything depends on your work and needs right....In terms of full disclosure I own FCP 4 suite and CS 5 master suite and own all the major Apple products (hardware and software). I also run Windows 7 in bootcamp...
    Pretty close to my workflow but add a few power-house BOXX/Dells for Maya and Renderman

    Short format work is all about After Effects. Motion is 5 years behind and offers an incomplete feature set in comparison. After Effects marries up well with the tools from big 3d players, like Maxon and C4D. Its a great pipeline.

    Tru dat!!

    Apple is also doing everything to push me away from it's platform, with it's anti-Flash crusade, and it's complete inability to support Any (I mean ANY of the top 5-7) professional GPUs.
    Its too bad you feel that way. Were more in tune towards Apple now since Adobe went 64bit and the promise of Apples core pro apps following soon (off to NAB soon). To add I had to work on a Flash project (wear way too many hats here) and can see why Flash is avoided. I have few friends that are pro Flash/ColdFusion/old code and they too can see the problems with dealing with Flash. The good thing is that current project is targeted for PC touch screen system.

    For the serious Pro Apple is living on borrowed time and the Steve Jobs reality-distortion field is weakening. Redmond is calling. Increasingly serious content professionals are listening. I never imagined these words coming from my mouth. But it's the truth.And again its too bad you feel that way. The good thing is, even if you do stray away from Apple tech, your never going get away from the inundated drone of iToys :p
    All kidding aside, its up to you where you money/resources go for supporting hardware/software. Ive been back and forth from Mac > SGI > Linux > Windows > Mac/Windows for the last 17 years and still to date, Apple is by far the strongest in my field :)

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  • citizenzen
    Mar 17, 01:31 PM
    If you need links for the items the 5p listed, you weren't paying attention during the campaign.

    Exactly. Citizenzen is just avoiding the obvious truth and he knows it.

    If the truth is so obvious, prove it.

    If there are "lots" of examples, then show them.

    Otherwise, you're engaging in, at best, lazy debate.

    I expect better from both of you.

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  • Chundles
    Jul 20, 08:10 AM
    Hmm, would make for an awesome rev b. MacPro on or around MWSF (probably "around" as MWSF is really a big consumer event).

    Bring on the serious grunt!!

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  • elgruga
    Nov 29, 02:27 AM
    If Universal get cash as 'compensation' for stolen music, then presumably once you have paid the 'compensation' money, you can steal as much music as you like. Cool.

    Apple doesnt really sell music - it sells iPods and offers the music at cost (or close to it) to support the iPod. Its a smart move , and its a pity that almost ALL of the iTunes cash goes direct to the record companies.

    I used to work in the music biz, and a bigger bunch of thieving clowns you have yet to meet.
    Most artists get 6-8% of the CD sales. Yes folks thats a big fifty cents or so on an average CD sale.
    But because they give you an advance against royalties, which you spend on recording and PR etc. etc, only the very successful (a huge 0.5% of bands) ever make any money. Its a losing gamble and it turns music into a commodity - which it shouldnt be.

    This battle will run for a while yet, but there is hope that the DEMISE of record companies is on the horizon.
    With computer recording etc., its not necessary to get a record deal - good music does exist outside of the music industry machine.
    Maybe Micro$oft will implode too - the zune fiasco suggests that they are up their own arses as far as common sense goes.....

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Feb 28, 08:15 PM
    According to the school's website (, he was not fired as the OP's article suggests. Rather, his contract was not renewed. AFAIK, adjunct instructors do not enjoy the same privileges as tenured professors. If his contract ran out and was simply not renewed, then that's that, unless it can be argued that the college has some legal obligation to offer a new contract.

    well assuming what you say is true then every legal right to do so. Hell it could of been that he should never of been hired and HR screwed up and hired someone that did not meet all the requirements. They honor the contract up until it was time to renew it and they did not intend to renew it to fix the mistake.

    I will say we can expect a lot of adjunct instructors/professors to be out of work soon because univerisities are being forced to cut cost and those are the first ones to go.

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  • Huntn
    Apr 28, 09:58 AM
    Imagine that, three responses which utterly fail to refute let alone dispute my clear and truthful argument. Instead, they leave snide remarks. No substance WHATSOEVER. :)

    You accuse every 'liberal' in this forum of being blinded by their bias. I suppose all of the 'conservatives' see clearly and are willing to consider all reasonable alternatives. Lol. And then the debate becomes what is reasonable? :p

    If you are unwilling to admit there is a racial aspect to some of the attacks on Obama who is being blind? There is no other President in the history of the U.S. who has been asked for so much proof of citizenship.

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  • PhantomPumpkin
    Apr 27, 10:23 AM
    Maybe that's what you heard.

    I heard that the database couldn't be user purged (easily)
    The the database kept data from Day one
    and that Location services being turned off didn't change the recording of the data.

    Apple fans were "more correct". Wow. Ok - if you say so.... and if it helps you sleep at night

    I'm still confused how you think the "hype" was correct then.

    Your points don't even support it.

    As was said before, this was way overblown.

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  • spencers
    Jun 15, 01:55 PM
    To follow up to my last post, just got a call from my local Radio Shack and got my PIN.

    The waiting begins!

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  • Super Dave
    Aug 5, 06:35 PM
    Recall that Tiger features saw significant UI overhauls (Dashboard, Spotlight, Automator) from the original Tiger demos at WWDC until it's reshowing at Macworld. Apple has no reason to rush this out after WWDC.

    You can bank on 07. First Half. No sooner than April.

    You're right that there is "no reason to rush" except it would be awfully fun to beat Vista to market AGAIN.

    David :cool:

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  • avkills
    Jul 14, 02:35 PM
    Man if they put the power supply on the top that would just be insanely stupid. 2 Optical drives is fine by me, although I am good with just one. But the post above about a Blu-Ray drive would make having 2 logical, one is Blue-ray, other is DVD/CD +/- RW.


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  • thetexan
    Apr 27, 08:46 AM
    Didn't Google get in trouble for tagging SSIDs of hotspots when running their streetview vans through town? How is this any different, besides the fact you're the van instead of Google?

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  • ekwipt
    Apr 5, 08:10 PM
    Final Cut needs better media management, and also Avid-like support for multiple editors on a single project. I like Final Cut a lot, but Avid has some clear advantages for a feature film. Here's hoping this next version has some big new features!

    Good Post

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  • Yebubbleman
    Apr 6, 02:20 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)


    You keep talking about the MBA being "crippled" - how so? What can't it do other than play optical media? Why can't you do "real work" on it?

    As for the graphics, I'm under no illusion that it can play games like a mbp let alone gaming PC. And I don't need that. But the current MBA can play some modern games (SC II for example) at decent settings and frames. I wouldnt want to lose the ability to do casual gaming by going to the intel integrated.

    A 13" MacBook Pro has a hard drive that can be easily replaced and upgraded (even with an SSD if you so fancy), RAM that can be easily replaced and upgraded, a standard-voltage (read: more powerful) CPU, and yes (love it or hate it) an optical drive, along with a FireWire 800 port, an Ethernet Port, an IR sensor (which granted, isn't the most useful feature out there) and battery life to spare even given the faster speed. And yes, even with a Sandy Bridge MacBook Air, the benefits that a Sandy Bridge 13" MacBook Pro have over it, especially for the price, make it a much better machine. You are grossly limited with a MacBook Air by comparison.

    I don't mean to say that with a 27" iMac at home, one couldn't be happily mobile with a 13" MacBook Air if they so desired, I just don't think it has enough going for it to make it worthy of being stand-alone to anyone who isn't either (a) bat-**** crazy about about the MacBook Air or (b) very simple in their computing needs.

    I didn't go through all the pages of replies, but in case some one hasn't corrected them yet, the bus speed of the 13" is 1066mhz.

    Already covered, but kudos regardless.

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  • URFloorMatt
    Apr 11, 11:55 AM
    To me this means 4G and Verizon/AT&T hardware convergence. Both, good news.Agreed. But I don't get all this confusion over fiscal 2012 and calendar 2012. Are there analysts really stupid enough to believe that Apple would kill any future iPhone sales at Christmas by shifting the iPhone to a January release schedule? And do they really think Apple would preview iOS 5 a full six months before release? That said, if I sit on my iPhone 3GS until Sept/Oct and the new iPhone doesn't have 4G, I'll probably never buy another Apple product again.

    For those interested in holding out for iPad 3, I do think moving the iPhone into a fall release frame opens the door to delaying the iPad 3 launch until summer 2012. On the plus side, that would leave the spring conspicuously empty, which might indicate a major MacBook Pro refresh (i.e. new casing) for next year.

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  • soundbwoy
    Apr 27, 10:54 AM
    Is it me or are there more idiots about. Damn it people, leave the damn tracking contro alone if I lose my phone, I want to be able to find. I'm so not in the mood to spend $600 again.

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  • deputy_doofy
    Sep 19, 06:12 AM
    1. It's Merom. Not Memrom, Menron, Memron or even L. Ron.

    So, uh, Merman and Mermaid are out too, huh? ;)

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  • Nuck81
    Dec 11, 12:31 PM
    Got a DFGT yesterday.

    I totally suck right now, I'm about six seconds off my usual lap times, but it takes the game to a completely new level. I really can't believe it has taken me this long to get a good wheel.

    My future father in law is a custom carpenter and he is going to build me a mounting stand for my wheel. I'll post some pics when he gets it done.

    If you get the opportunity, don't miss out on snagging yourself a wheel!!!

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  • mkruck
    Apr 6, 04:31 PM
    Don't hate. I have money and I can spend it however. Maybe I'll buy an ipad and leave it in the bathroom for people to use as they're taking care of business.

    Upper Middle Class FTW!

    Dark K
    Jun 19, 03:29 PM
    If anyone can answer me this question, it would be most appreciated :D

    Does anyone know how many iPhone 4s Radioshack will be getting apart from those that they "reserved"?

    Apr 25, 04:26 PM
    TThis is so incredibly stupid, it's mind-numbing. All because a couple whistle-blowers decided to point out the obvious, to detract from Apple's quarterly sales and earnings announcement. Anyway, the lawsuit is completely flawed. I'm all for privacy, I love privacy. I'm an iOS developer and I know about the location tracking in iOS. Not that big of deal, in fact, if you answer "no" to the prompts when the phone asks if it's OK to use your current location, then nothing is sample, tracked or stored.

    Luckily I got your post before you deleted it. On the:

    Not that big of deal, in fact, if you answer "no" to the prompts when the phone asks if it's OK to use your current location, then nothing is sampled, tracked or stored.

    That is so wrong I doubt you are even a developer.

    Aug 11, 03:12 PM
    Who wants to go through the trouble of doing a software change to unlock their phone.

    Me for one.
    I have done it on all my phones. Reason is simple; when I travel outside Norway and will spend more than a week there, I�ll get a local SIM card because it�s so expensive to use my Norwegian phone (both calling and recieving) As I buy my phones locked to a provider in Norway, I have to unlock them to make this work.
    Guess this is more relevant in Europe where people tend to visit different countries more often due to small distances

    Aug 6, 06:19 PM
    and the "One More Thing..." will be -

    Leopard print iPod Socks!

    Some new iPod sock colors-black, leopard print.
    Nano tubes-update with new colors, add full-size version for 5th gen iPod
    Nike-introduce 5th gen kit.

    Jun 15, 01:50 PM
    Well I went to RS around 2 EST and she couldn't get it to go through but she just called me and said im all set... Not holding my breath though. I have a backup preorder at would be way easier to just go to RS though.

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